Two Dances, For Bass Trombone And Piano 低音長號 鋼琴 舞曲 長號
"法國鋼琴家、編曲家、作曲家和指揮家讓-蜜雪兒-德法耶(生於 1932 年)年僅十歲就進入巴黎音樂學院學習。他的成功作品和編曲主要是為銅管樂而作,《兩支舞曲》創作於 1954 年,由唐納德-克瑙布改編為低音長號和鋼琴曲。 笛菲的《兩支舞曲》被命名為 "神聖之舞 "和 "世俗之舞",一般演奏時間約為八分鐘。笛菲對長號的理解貫穿整部作品,並運用了令人興奮的技巧和對比。讓-蜜雪兒-笛法耶的《兩支舞曲》是所有有抱負的低音長號演奏家的必備曲目,他們希望借此改變和擴展自己的演奏曲目"
作曲家: Michel Defaye Jean
樂器: Bass Trombone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Two Dances For Bass Trombone
“French pianist, arranger, composer and conductor, Jean-Michel Defaye (b. 1932) entered the Paris Conservatoire at the mere age of ten years old. His successful compositions and arrangements were mainly for brass, Two Dances, composed in 1954, and adapted for Bass Trombone and Piano by Donald Knaub, being no exception. With a typical performance lasting about eight minutes, Defaye's Two Dances are named Sacred Dance and Secular Dance. Defaye's understanding of the Trombone is clear throughout the work, with use of exciting techniques and contrasts. For all aspiring bass trombonists wishing to vary and expand their repertoire, Two Dances by Jean-Michel Defaye is essential.”