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Recorder Wizard

來自 Chester Music
$0 TWD
$430 TWD - $430 TWD
$430 TWD
$430 TWD - $430 TWD
$430 TWD

加入約翰尼、他的妹妹索菲和木笛精靈的神奇故事!當約翰尼得知他必須在學校音樂會上進行木笛獨奏時,他很擔心--直到他古怪的叔叔安格斯送來一個意想不到的包裹。包裹裡是一支神奇的木笛!當約翰尼對著它吹氣時,木笛魔法師就會神奇地出現,準備教約翰尼吹奏!於是,約翰尼開始了一段前往魔法師城堡的激動人心的旅程,其中包括魔法森林和噴火龍。最終,強尼學會了如何演奏,音樂會也取得了圓滿成功。跟著強尼一起學習,他首先掌握了音符,然後是簡單的曲調。一路上有謎題要解,有事情要找,有事情要做,附帶的 CD 讓學習變得快速而有趣!非常適合沒有任何音樂經驗的初學者"

作者: Emma Coulthard
樂器: Recorder
出版社: Chester Music
Join in the magical story of Johnny, his sister Sophie and the Recorder Wizard! When Johnny learns he must play a recorder solo at a school concert he is worried – until an unexpected parcel arrives from his eccentric uncle Angus. Inside is a magic recorder! When Johnny blows into it, the Recorder Wizard magically appears, ready to teach Johnny how to play! So starts an exciting journey to the Wizard's castle that includes an enchanted forest and a fire-breathing dragon. Eventually Johnny learns how to play and the concert is a triumph. Learn along with Johnny as he first masters the notes and then simple tunes. There are puzzles to solve along the way, things to find and to do, and the included CD makes learning fast and fun! Ideal for beginners with no previous musical experience.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 172.935
EAN: 9780825633386
UPC: 752187685753

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