Lady Macbeth of Mzensk (Katerina Ismailov) Opera Vocal Score in Russian and English 蕭斯塔科維契‧德米特里 聲樂總譜 聲樂
這是肖斯塔科維奇歌劇代表作目前唯一的印刷版本,由作曲家遺孀創辦的公司 DSCH 特別編制,是 1935 年版歌劇的再版。這是一本精裝的豪華出版物,配有俄語和英語的演唱文本。共 324 頁"
作曲家: Dmitri Shostakovich
樂器: Vocal
出版社: DSCH
This is the only edition currently in print of Shostakovich's operatic masterpiece, a reprint of the 1935 edition of the opera, especially prepared by DSCH, the company begun by the composer's widow. This is a hardbound, deluxe publication, with the sung text in both Russian and English. 324 pages.