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Violin Sonatas op. 5 Band 2 Edited from the sources 柯雷里阿尔坎杰罗 小提琴奏鸣曲 小提琴加钢琴 维也纳原典版

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原价 ¥342.93 CNY - 原价 ¥342.93 CNY
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现价 ¥342.93 CNY

阿卡吉罗-科雷利斯小提琴奏鸣曲作品 5 是小提琴文学中标志着新时代的作品之一,直到今天它们仍是每位小提琴家的标准曲目之一。因此,这些重要作品长期以来一直没有乌尔文版,这就更加令人吃惊了。新出版的两卷本维纳乌尔文版填补了这一空白。文本以科雷利亲自监制的第一版为基础。该版本收录了1710年罗杰在阿姆斯特丹出版的第1-6号奏鸣曲的装饰曲目,以及第9号奏鸣曲的杰米尼安装饰曲目。9. 来自科隆的巴洛克专家莱因哈特-戈贝尔(Reinhard Goebel)对演奏实践的注释是对适当诠释的有益建议"

作曲家: Corelli, Arcangelo
编者: Moosbauer, Bernhard
乐器: violin and piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata VII d-Moll / D minor / ré mineur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata VIII e-Moll / E minor / mi mineur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata IX A-Dur / A major / la majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata X F-Dur / F major / fa majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata XI E-Dur / E major / mi majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Follia (XII) d-Moll / D minor / ré mineur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata I D-Dur / D major / ré majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata II B-Dur / B flat major / si bémol majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata III C-Dur / C major / Do majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata IV F- Dur / F major / fa majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata V g-Moll / G minor / sol mineur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata VI A-Dur / A major / la majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata VII d-Moll / D minor / ré mineur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata VIII e-Moll / E minor / mi mineur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata IX A-Dur / A major / la majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata X F-Dur / F major / fa majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata XI E-Dur / E major / mi majeur - Corelli, Arcangelo: Follia (XII) d-Moll / D minor / ré mineur

Arcangelo Corelli’s Violin Sonatas Op. 5 are among those works in violin literature that mark a new epoch, and until this day they have been part of the standard repertory of every violinist. Therefore it is all the more astonishing that there had not been any Urtext edition of these important works for a long time. This gap is filled by a new two-volume edition of the Wiener Urtext edition. The text is based on the first edition which Corelli himself supervised. This edition includes the ornaments for sonatas nos. 1-6, published by Roger in Amsterdam in 1710 as well as Geminiani’s ornaments for Sonata no. 9. The notes on performance practice by Baroque specialist Reinhard Goebel from Cologne are useful suggestions for an appropriate interpretation.
页数: 117
重量(g): 510
ISMN: 9790500572640
ISBN: 9783850556026
UPC: 800522001659

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Violin Sonatas op. 5 Band 1 Edited from the sources 柯雷里阿尔坎杰罗 小提琴奏鸣曲 小提琴加钢琴 维也纳原典版

阿卡吉罗-科雷利斯小提琴奏鸣曲作品 5 是小提琴文学中标志着新时代的作品之一,直到今天它们仍是每位小提琴家的标准曲目之一。因此,这些重要作品长期以来一直没有乌尔文版,这就更加令人吃惊了。新出版的两卷本维纳乌尔文版填补了这一空白。文本以科雷利亲自监制的第一版为基础。该版本收录了1710年罗杰在阿...

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