Six Sonatas op. 25 玻瓦莫提耶 奏鸣曲 双小提琴 朔特版
约瑟夫-博丹-德-博伊斯莫蒂埃(Joseph Bodin de Boismortier,1689-1755 年)是当时最多才多艺、最多产的法国作曲家之一。他不仅创作了芭蕾歌剧和各种声乐作品,还创作了大量器乐作品,并明显偏爱长笛组合。这些悦耳动听的奏鸣曲作品 25 也可由其他乐器演奏,如双簧管或小提琴,或不同管乐器或管弦乐器的组合
作曲家: Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de
编者: Ruf, Reinhard Matthias
乐器: 2 flutes (oboes, violins)
出版社: Schott Music
Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1689-1755), was one of the most versatile and prolific French composers of his day. He not only wrote ballet operas as well as various vocal works but also composed numerous instrumental compositions, showing a clear preference for combinations involving the flute. These delightful and musically appealing Sonatas Op. 25 may also be played by other instruments, e.g. oboes or violins or combinations of different wind or wind and string instruments.