Contrastes I (flute & Bassoon) 长笛
作曲家: Eugène Bozza
乐器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Contrastes I (Flute & Bassoon)
for flute and bassoon
Contrastes I (Flute & Bassoon)
为双簧管和巴松管而作作曲家: Eugène Bozza乐器: Oboe出版社: Alphonse Leduc曲目: Contrastes II原文简介: for oboe and bassoon页数: 0重量(g): 87.885UPC: 888680868963
为长笛和单簧管而作。作曲家: Eugène Bozza出版社: Alphonse Leduc曲目: Trois Mouvements原文简介: For Flute and Clarinet.页数: 28重量(g): 130.41UPC: 888680876739
作曲家: Eugène Bozza出版社: Alphonse Leduc 曲目: Fantaisie Italienne Pour Clarinette Et Piano 原文简介: Exploiting the Flute to its full potential, Fantaisie I...
查看完整细节为长笛和巴松管而作曲作曲家: Pierre Max Dubois乐器: Flute出版社: Alphonse Leduc曲目: Petite Suite原文简介: for flute and bassoon页数: 0重量(g): 82.215UPC: 888680905972
为小号和圆号而作作曲家: Eugène Bozza乐器: Horn出版社: Alphonse Leduc曲目: Contrastes IV原文简介: for trumpet and horn页数: 12重量(g): 110.565UPC: 888680946265