
Serenade for Flute, Violin and Viola in D Major, Op. 25 Revised Edition Study Score 貝多芬 小夜曲 小提琴 中提琴 亨乐版

$520TWD - $520TWD
$520TWD - $520TWD

是什麼促使貝多芬為這樣一組不同尋常而又鏗鏘有力的樂器譜曲?也許是一位貴族委託貝多芬創作,因為他與這樣一組樂器一起演奏,需要音樂?無論背後的原因是什麼,作品 25 都是貝多芬為數不多的沒有低音樂器的室內樂作品之一。盡管樂器的組合不同尋常,貝多芬在為他的小夜曲尋找出版商時並沒有遇到困難;不久之後,他甚至再次翻閱了這部作品,並修改了由協力廠商為長笛和鋼琴所作的改編曲(作品 41)。我們的修訂版沿用了即將出版的新版貝多芬全集第 VI/1 卷中的音樂文本"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Egon Voss
樂器: Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
What occasioned Beethoven to write a composition for such an unusual and yet sonorous group of instruments? Was it perhaps commissioned by a nobleman who played music with such a group and needed music? Whatever the reason behind it, opus 25 is one of Beethoven's few chamber music works that did not have a bass instrument. Despite the unusual combination of instruments, Beethoven had no difficulty in finding a publisher for his serenade; shortly afterwards he even turned to the work again and revised an arrangement for flute and piano (op. 41), which had been made by a third party. Our revised edition follows the musical text which will soon be published in volume VI/1 of our new Beethoven Complete Edition.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 99.225
UPC: 884088274566
