
Playing Through The Blues - Clarinet 12 Melodies and Catchy Riffs for Intermediate Players 藍調 豎笛教材

$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

這本中級閱讀書籍附帶 CD(12 首聆聽曲目;12 首伴奏曲目),包含旋律優美、演奏有趣的各種風格/感覺的藍調線條和旋律。音調和節奏都很舒適。這是學習爵士樂獨奏的絕佳工具。除閱讀外,您還可以使用書中所示曲目的和絃在伴奏曲目上即興演奏。節奏組 弗雷德-利普斯-鋼琴、布魯斯-格茨-貝司、約翰-惠特利-吉他、鮑勃-考夫曼-鼓、約隆-伊斯雷爾-鼓"

作曲家: Lipsius, Fred
樂器: clarinet
出版社: advance music GmbH

Tuning notes - Blues for Michael Brecker - On the Spot - Sus Sounds - Goin' Home - Funky Blue - Blues Ascension - Four in Three - Diggin' In - Nightfall - Medieval Blues - Tradin' Ones & Twos - Shuffle Them Blues

This intermediate-level reading book with accompanying CD (12 listening tracks; 12 play-along tracks) contains very melodic, fun to play blues lines and riffs in various styles/feels. The keys and tempos are comfortable. It’s an excellent tool for learning what jazz soloing is all about. Besides reading, you can improvise over the play-along tracks using the chords for the tracks shown in the book. Rhythm Section: Fred Lipsius - piano, Bruce Gertz - bass, John Wheatley - guitar, Bob Kaufman - drums, Yoron Israel - drums.
語言: English
頁數: 32
重量(g): 210
ISMN: 9790206304668
ISBN: 9783892213239
UPC: 805095149050
