
Entertainment (flute, Piano) 長笛鋼琴

$1,360TWD - $1,360TWD
$1,360TWD - $1,360TWD

娛樂》由雷蒙德-加盧瓦-蒙布倫作曲,是一首長笛和鋼琴曲。這是為巴黎音樂學院比賽而作,獻給巴黎音樂學院的法國教授加斯東-克魯內萊。這首曲子頗具挑戰性,非常適合高年級學生演奏,也非常適合比賽或獨奏會。 樂曲以輕微的半音階、速度變化和快速的三連音為特色,聽起來非常浪漫。 雷蒙-加洛瓦-蒙布朗(Raymond Gallois Montbrun,1918-1994 年)是法國小提琴家和作曲家,曾獲得羅馬首席大獎和巴黎大獎。他後來成為巴黎音樂學院院長。他創作了許多交響曲、一部歌劇、一部四重奏以及許多鋼琴獨奏曲、小提琴與鋼琴曲和其他樂器的作品""

作曲家: Raymond Gallois Montbrun
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

5 Pieces Faciles

“Entertainment, composed by Raymond Gallois Montbrun is a piece for Flute and Piano. Written for the Contest of the Paris Conservatoire, it was dedicated to Gaston Crunelle, a French professor at the Paris Conservatoire. Quite challenging, this piece is perfect for advanced students and would work well for a contest or a recital. It features mild chromaticisms, changes of meters and rapid legato triplets and sounds very romantic. Raymond Gallois Montbrun (1918-1994) was a French violinist and composer who won the Premier Grand Prix de Rome and the Grand Prix de Paris. He later became the director of the Paris Conservatoire. He composed many symphonic pieces, an opera, a quartet and many pieces for Solo Piano, Violin and Piano and other instruments.”
頁數: 0
重量(g): 113.4
UPC: 888680962203