
Berceuse D major op. 16 佛瑞 搖籃曲大調 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$820TWD - $820TWD
$820TWD - $820TWD

1877年5月22日,卡米耶-聖桑(Camille Saint-Saëns)在《巴黎音樂雜誌》(Paris Journal de Musique)上如此稱讚年輕同事的首部作品--加布裡埃爾-福雷(Gabriel Fauré,1845-1924 年)的《第一小提琴奏鳴曲》。他接著說:"在它的上空和周圍盤旋著一種魅力,這種魅力說服廣大普通聽眾接受最激烈的新奇事物,認為它們是完全自然的。在 19 世紀末和 20 世紀初,室內樂和小型音樂仍然是這位元重要的法國作曲家特別感興趣的領域。福雷特別喜歡絃樂器,尤其是大提琴,他不僅為大提琴創作了兩首美妙的奏鳴曲,還創作了一些小型獨奏曲。Berceuse 作品 16 於 1878/79 年為小提琴而作;現在的編曲讓中提琴演奏者也能盡情享受這首迷人而悠揚的搖籃曲"

作曲家: Fauré, Gabriel
編者: Kliegel, Maria
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
New forms, well-chosen modulations, strange timbres, the use of wholly unexpected rhythms', this is how Camille Saint-Saëns praised the first work of a young colleague, the First Violin Sonata by Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924), in the Paris Journal de Musique on 22 May 1877. He continued: 'Over it and around it hovers a charm which persuades the mass of ordinary listeners to accept the most violent novelties as being entirely natural.' Chamber music and the small forms continued to be the special fields of interest of this important French composer at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. Fauré had a special liking for string instruments, particularly of the violoncello for which he wrote not only two wonderful sonatas but also some small solo works. Berceuse Op. 16 was written for violin in 1878/79; the present arrangement now allows even violoncellists to indulge in this beguiling and melodious lullaby.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 90
ISMN: 9790001168113
UPC: 841886013780

