24 Caprices in forme of Etudes, in all 24 keys 羅德 隨想曲 練習曲 小提琴練習曲 朔特版
小提琴獨奏隨想曲有著悠久的傳統;從洛卡特利到帕格尼尼,從加維尼耶斯到唐特,小提琴演奏家、作曲家們將他們的精湛小提琴藝術歸檔的作品集不勝枚舉。其中,法國小提琴家皮埃爾-羅德(Pierre Rode,1774-1839 年)的 24 首隨想曲(24 Capricen in Form einer Etüde für Violine allein)也加入了這一流派。時至今日,這些曲目仍是小提琴學生不可或缺的曲目之一,尤其是因為,儘管這些曲目純粹是技術性的,但也是極具吸引力的樂曲。作為著名的巴黎音樂學院的教師,羅德與皮埃爾-巴約(Pierre Baillot)和羅多爾夫-克羅伊澤(Rodolphe Kreutzer)一起,為全面的小提琴教學和方法論奠定了基礎:《24首隨想曲》是對這一音樂教育工作的重要貢獻。本新版以 1820 年巴黎初版為基礎,提供了原始樂譜,特別是兩種指法,一種是 "普通版",另一種是專為小手設計的版本。技術和音樂上的挑戰使羅德的《隨想曲》成為引人入勝的研究和演奏物件"
作曲家: Rode, Jacques Pierre Joseph
編者: Groener, Ulrich
校訂者: Bieler, Ida
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
Caprices for solo violin have a long tradition; the list of collections in which virtuoso violinist-composers archived testimonies of their virtuoso violin art ranges from Locatelli to Paganini, from Gaviniès to Dont. Among them is the French violinist Pierre Rode (1774-1839) who added his 24 Capricen in Form einer Etüde für Violine allein to this genre. Even today, they still form part of the indispensable repertoire of violin students, particularly since, notwithstanding the purely technical side, they are also attractive pieces of music. As a teacher at the famous Paris Conservatoire, Rode, together with Pierre Baillot and Rodolphe Kreutzer, laid the foundations for comprehensive violin didactics and methodology: the 24 Caprices are important contributions to this music-educational work. The present new edition is based on the first edition of Paris of 1820, providing the original score, especially two variants of fingering, a 'normal version', and a version specifically designed for small hands. Technical as well as musical challenges make Rode's Caprices a fascinating study and performance object.