
Darknesse Visible 艾得斯

來自 Faber Music
$780TWD - $780TWD
$780TWD - $780TWD

湯瑪斯-阿德斯(Thomas Adès)的鋼琴獨奏曲《黑暗可見》(Darknesse Visible,1992 年)是約翰-道蘭(John Dowland)的琵琶曲《在黑暗中讓我棲息》(In Darknesse Let Me Dwell,1610 年)的七分鐘爆發。這首曲子沒有添加任何音符,事實上,有些音符還被刪除了。原曲中潛藏的模式被分離出來並重新組合,目的是從內部照亮這首歌,就像在演出過程中一樣"

作曲家: Adès, Thomas
樂器: Piano
出版社: Faber Music
Thomas Adès’ Darknesse Visible for piano solo (1992) is a 7-minute explosion of John Dowland’s lute song In Darknesse Let Me Dwell (1610). No notes have been added; indeed, some have been removed. Patterns latent in the original have been isolated and regrouped, with the aim of illuminating the song from within, as if during the course of a performance. Adès transforms the piano into an instrument that's alchemically capable of sustaining a continuous line of melody; the technique of ceaseless tremolo that he demands of the player conjures a ghostly shimmer from the instrument.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 72
EAN: 9780571518043

