
Classic Festival Solos (Tuba), Volume 2 Piano Acc. 獨奏 低音號 鋼琴

來自 Alfred Music
$360TWD - $360TWD
$360TWD - $360TWD

《經典節日獨奏曲》第二卷繼續為高年級學生提供從簡單到更具挑戰性的演奏材料,包括接觸各種音樂風格的機會。其中許多作品出現在各州的比賽名單上。小軍鼓獨奏,第二卷》僅適用於小軍鼓。收錄了來自 Feldstein、Hoey、Harr 和 Buggert 的 11 首初級至高級獨奏曲。內容包括Aquamarine (Harr) * Contemporary Waltz (Hoey) * Crescendo (Feldstein/Weber) * Eyes Right (Hoey) * Fireworks (Hoey) * Pass in Review (Prentice) * Polonaise for Snare (Hoey) * Pop Corn (Buggert) * Tourmaline (Harr) * Toyland Parade (Prentice) * Turquoise (Harr).聯邦音樂節 2020-2024 年精選"

樂器: Tuba
出版社: Alfred Music
Classic Festival Solos, Volume II continues to afford the advancing student the opportunity to find performance materials graded from easy to more challenging, including exposure to a variety of musical styles. Many of these works appear on state contest lists. Contains: Aria from La Clemenza di Tito (Mozart, arr. Little) * Campus Queen (Weber) * Flow Gently Sweet Afton (Traditional, arr. Little) * Folksong Melodies (Traditional, arr. Ostling/Weber) * Neutron Stars (Belden, arr. Little) * On Wings of Song (Mendelssohn, arr. Ostling/Weber) * Rocked In the Cradle of the Deep (Knight, arr. Ostling/Weber) * Romance and Scherzo (Cohen) * Song from Timon of Athens (Purcell, arr. Little) * Sunday (Brahms, arr. Little) * Texas Horizons (Quate/Little) * The Tubateer Polka (Bell).

頁數: 48
重量(g): 178.26180141
ISBN: 9780769255064
UPC: 29156079128

