
George Gershwin: The Annotated Rhapsody in Blue Restored to Gershwin's Original Manuscript by Alicia Zizzo 蓋希文 藍色狂想曲 手稿

來自 Alfred Music
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藍色狂想曲 "由才華橫溢的 Alicia Zizzo 根據格什溫的原稿修復。這一特別版包括雙鋼琴四手聯彈版的增補版和完全修復的鋼琴手稿。在準備出版《藍色狂想曲》時,山姆-哈姆斯音樂公司的編輯們將自己在 19 世紀音樂學院接受的作曲訓練應用到了這首曲子上。出於良好的願望和對格什溫的尊重,他們謹慎地修改了和絃、樂句、力度和重音,刪除了整個段落,以創作出一部更加簡潔的作品。奇怪的是,除了四個小節之外,所有的刪減都是在鋼琴獨奏部分,管弦樂大部分都沒有受到影響。雙鋼琴、四手聯彈出版物的手稿刪去了 50 多小節,樂曲縮短了幾分鐘。鋼琴獨奏版的原稿刪去了約 80 小節,編輯們以第二鋼琴/管弦樂縮寫版為基礎,進一步拉大了鋼琴獨奏版與格什溫原意的距離。時隔 70 年之後,《藍色狂想曲》全集終於在這個特別注釋版中與後人見面了

作曲家: Gershwin George
校訂者: Alicia Zizzo
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced;
風格: Masterwork
Rhapsody in Blue has been restored to Gershwin's original manuscript by the talented Alicia Zizzo. This special edition includes an addendum to the two piano, four hands edition and the fully restored piano manuscript. When preparing the Rhapsody in Blue for publication, editors at Sam Harms Music Co. applied their own 19th century compositional conservatory training to the piece. With good intentions and due respect to Gershwin, they discreetly altered chords, phrases, dynamics, and accents, deleting whole passages to create a more concise work. Oddly, with the exception of four bars, all the deletions were from the piano solo sections, leaving the orchestration mostly undisturbed. Over 50 measures were deleted from the manuscript for the two-piano, four-hands publication, and the piece was shortened by several minutes. Approximately 80 measures were deleted from the original manuscript for the piano solo version and the editors used the second piano/orchestral reduction as a basis for it, further distancing the piano solo edition from Gershwin's original intent. After 70 years, the majesty of the complete Rhapsody in Blue as originally conceived and performed is finally available to future generations in this special annotated edition.

頁數: 56
重量(g): 226.796185
ISBN: 9781576237021
UPC: 29156275711

