
Country Song From <i>Two Songs Without Words, Op. 22, No. 1</i> 霍爾斯特,古斯塔夫 無言歌

來自 Alfred Music
$1,920TWD - $1,920TWD
$1,920TWD - $1,920TWD

這首優美的民間旋律將俘獲學生和觀眾的心。這首弦樂改編曲原本是為大型管弦樂隊譜寫的,但它捕捉到了 19 世紀末 20 世紀初英國室內弦樂風格中常見的基本特質。霍爾斯特的旋律以簡單的五聲部民歌為主題,我們經常會聯想到英國作曲家對其本土源泉--民歌--的處理,而這首曲子的旋律也發生了神秘的變化。各聲部共用旋律主題,而四重奏獨奏段落則增添了質感趣味。本曲目可在 SmartMusic 中下載"

作曲家: Holst Gustav
改編者: Robert Sieving
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 4; -4
風格: Folk; Masterwork Arrangement
This beautiful folk melody will capture the hearts of students and audiences. Originally scored for large orchestra, this string arrangement captures the essential qualities often heard in the English style of chamber music for strings from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Holst's melody, with its simple pentatonic folksong theme, receives the kind of mystical transformation we often associate with British composers' treatments of their indigenous wellspring---the folksong. All sections share in the melodic themes while passages for a quartet of soloists add textural interest. (4:15) This title is available in SmartMusic.


頁數: 124
重量(g): 453.59237
UPC: 38081480794

