
Dark Shadows (from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

想像一下,一個不情願的吸血鬼有著難以抗拒的誘惑力,一個神秘的少女對他情有獨鍾,一個嫉妒的狐狸精既是誘惑者又是女魔法師,還有一個奇怪的家庭住在陰森恐怖的老宅子裡,每個角落都有秘密。導演蒂姆-波頓將經典影片《黑暗陰影》系列搬上大銀幕,全明星陣容出演。這是介紹電影原聲音樂的絕佳機會,這首混合曲無疑描繪了丹尼-艾夫曼原版配樂的力度。(4:15)本曲目可在 SmartMusic 中下載"

作曲家: Danny Elfman
改編者: Victor López
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2.5 (Easy to Medium Easy); -2.5
風格: Movie; Pop
Imagine a reluctant vampire with an irresistible allure, a mysterious ingénue who is inexorably drawn to him, a jealous vixen who is both seductress and sorceress and a strange family in a creepy old mansion with secrets around every corner. Director Tim Burton brings the cult classic series Dark Shadows to the big screen in a film featuring an all-star cast. A great opportunity to introduce cinematic soundtrack, this medley certainly depicts the intensity of Danny Elfman's original score. (4:15) This title is available in SmartMusic.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 112.03731539
UPC: 38081453149

