
Therapeutic Guitar A Powerful Resource for Therapists and Guitar Teachers of Students with Special Learning Needs 吉他

來自 Alfred Music
$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

Therapeutic Guitar 是一種創新的吉他教學法,專為有獨特學習和生活方式需求的學生而設計,並經過了廣泛的實地測試。其他可能從本書中受益的人包括音樂治療師、兒童生活專家、特殊教育教師、音樂教師、夏令營輔導員以及任何與有醫療、情緒和行為障礙的人打交道的人。歌曲和伴隨歌曲的治療活動使這種方法成為一種獨特的體驗。學習和絃、擊弦和曲調固然有趣,但能夠與這些歌曲進行有意義的互動則會增加更深層次的意義。本書將為學生帶來成就感、自尊和自我價值感,同時突出吉他彈奏的治療效果。書中附有一張 CD,用於演示書中的所有示例

作曲家: Robert Krout
樂器: Guitar
出版社: Alfred Music
Therapeutic Guitar is an innovative guitar method that was designed and extensively field tested for students with unique learning and lifestyle needs. Others who might benefit from this book include music therapists, child life specialists, special education teachers, music teachers, camp counselors, and anyone working with people who have medical, emotional, and behavioral disorders. The songs and the therapeutic activities accompanying them make this method a unique experience. While learning chords, strumming, and tunes is fun, being able to meaningfully interact with these songs adds a deeper dimension. This book will impart students with a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, and self-worth, all while highlighting the therapeutic benefits of guitar playing. A CD is included to demonstrate all the examples in the book.

試聽: Track 21

頁數: 72
重量(g): 272.155422
ISBN: 9780739069844
UPC: 38081393100
