
fantasie for Violin and Piano C major op. post. 159 D 934 舒伯特 幻想曲 小提琴 鋼琴 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$830TWD - $830TWD
$830TWD - $830TWD

本版附加的小提琴分譜包含了對演奏分譜以及指法和弓法的簡化,這很有可能源自約瑟夫-斯拉夫克。小提琴家斯勞伊克曾多次與舒伯特合作,並在 1828 年 1 月首次演奏了這首幻想曲。

作曲家: Schubert, Franz
校訂者: Wirth, Helmut
樂器: for Violin and Piano
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
難度: 4
The additional violin part to this edition contains simplifications to the virtuoso part as well as fingering and bowing which with all probabilty stem from Josef Slawjk . The violinist Slawjk worked together several times with Schubert and he gave the first performance of the Fantasia in January 1828.

- Enlarged, with an additional violin part based on the first edition (1850)

- With a new preface by Werner Aderhold
頁數: IV, 32/10/10 S.
重量(g): 278
尺寸(cm): 31,0 x 24,3 cm
ISMN: 9790006472864
