
Septet Eb major op. 20 Version for Wind quintett 貝多芬 木管五重奏 七重奏大調管樂五重奏

$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD
$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD

路德維希-凡-貝多芬為管樂器創作了如此多的作品,卻沒有為管樂五重奏留下任何作品,這讓許多器樂演奏家感到遺憾。現在,他的降 E 大調七重奏作品 20 首次被改編成這一經典合奏曲。此曲原為單簧管、圓號、巴松管和絃樂而作,是貝多芬最著名、最受歡迎的室內樂作品之一。在本版本中,它被改編成一種全新的、完全慣用的調性形式。所有樂器都根據各自的特點得到了平等的對待,並被賦予了有益的獨奏任務"

作曲家: Beethoven Ludwig van
校訂者: Luckwaldt, Jens
樂器: wind quintet
出版社: Simrock / Benjamin (Elite Edition)
The fact that Ludwig van Beethoven who had written so many pieces for wind instruments left no compositions for wind quintet is regretted by many instrumentalists. Now, his Septet in E flat major Op. 20 is for the first time available in an arrangement for this classical ensemble. Written originally for clarinet, horn, bassoon and strings, this piece is one of best-known and most popular chamber music pieces by Beethoven. In the present edition, it has been transformed into a new, yet totally idiomatic tonal form. Treated equally and in accordance with their characteristics, all instruments are given rewarding solo tasks.
難度: advanced

頁數: 120
重量(g): 370
ISMN: 9790221121615
