
Scherzo 法朗克˙賽札爾 木管五重奏 詼諧曲

來自 Schott Music
$730TWD - $730TWD
$730TWD - $730TWD

C'sar Franck 於 1822 年出生於比利時列日,但加入了法國國籍,並在巴黎度過了他的大半生。令人驚訝的是,他的音樂在生前大多不受歡迎,而創作於 1889 年、次年首演的 D 調絃樂四重奏(這首《迴旋曲》即選自該四重奏)則是他首次獲得空前成功。這首具有弗蘭克最佳風格的迴旋曲從 F# 小調上調了一個半音,在管樂器上演奏效果極佳。演奏時速度應盡可能快,且不要過於沉重"

作曲家: Franck César
校訂者: Emerson, Geoffrey
樂器: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn
出版社: Emerson Edition
C'sar Franck was born in Liege, Belgium in 1822 but became a naturalised French citizen and spent most of his life in Paris. Surprisingly enough, his music was largely unpopular during his lifetime and the String Quartet in D (from which this Scherzo is taken), written in 1889 and first performed the following year, was his first unqualified success. The Scherzo, which is in Franck's very best style, has been transposed up a semitone from F# minor and works very well on wind instruments. It should be played as fast as is practicable, and without heaviness.

重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790570401352
