
Allegro from Water Music 韓德爾 木管五重奏 水上音樂

來自 Hal Leonard
$950TWD - $950TWD
$950TWD - $950TWD

喬治-弗雷德里克-亨德爾(George Fredric Handel)的這首作品在某種程度上是一首小型奏鳴曲。它以單簧管和圓號節奏明快的二重奏開始,伴以有趣的伴奏,然後進入慢板部分,由上層木管樂器在巴松管的伴奏下演奏。最後,第一段的縮寫版結束全曲。對於追求音樂歷史完整性的演奏者來說,這首改編曲是一個不錯的選擇

作曲家: Handel George Frideric
校訂者: North, Earl C.
樂器: flute, oboe, clarinet, horn in F, bassoon
出版社: Kendor Music, Inc.
This work by George Fredric Handel is, in some ways, a mini-sonata. It starts with a bright rhythmic duet of clarinet and horn supported by an interesting accompaniment, then progresses to a slow section featuring the upper woodwinds accompanied by the bassoon. And finally, an abbreviated version of the first section ends the piece. This adaptation is a great choice for players seeking music with historic integrity.

語言: English
重量(g): 130
UPC: 822795168259
