
Concerto Rv 585 in 2 Choirs 2 Violins & 2 (Mandatory) Organs, Basso Continuo Scor 韋瓦第 協奏曲 合唱團小提琴 管風琴 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏)

來自 Ricordi
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

在保存不完整的維瓦爾第作品中,RV 584 號《雙簧管協奏曲》因其音樂趣味性和結構複雜性而脫穎而出。這是一部華麗的幾何結構作品,是為了紀念兩個同時發生的特殊事件而創作的:1737 年,Ospedale della Pietà 購買了一架新的大型管風琴,維瓦爾第最後一次被這家威尼斯著名的孤兒院聘為 "協奏曲大師"。維瓦爾第從第一次受聘于聖母院時起,就開始創作 "雙聲協奏曲"("雙合奏曲"),用於慶祝最重要的禮儀和紀念場合;正是他在器樂領域繼承了威尼斯古老的多聲部音樂傳統,為我們留下了六部作品,是義大利唯一的此類作品"

作曲家: Antonio Vivaldi
校訂者: Federico Maria Sardelli
樂器: Organ; Violin; Basso Continuo
出版社: Ricordi
Among the works by Vivaldi that are preserved incompletely, the Concerto in due cori con due violini e due organi obbligati, RV 584,stands out for its musical interest and structural complexity. It is a work of sumptuous and geometrical architecture composed to mark two special and concurrent events: the purchase - in 1737 - of a new large organ by the Ospedale della Pietà and the re-engagement of Vivaldi for a final time by this famous Venetian institution for foundlings as its “maestro dei concerti”. From thetime of his first employment at the Pietà Vivaldi had composed concertos “in due cori” (“for double ensemble”) in celebration of themost important liturgical and commemorative occasions; it was he who carried on, in the instrumental domain, the ancient Venetian tradition of polychoral music, leaving us six works that constitute the sole Italian examples of such writing.

Recounting in detail the story of the purchase of, and repairs to, the organs of the Pietà in relation to Vivaldi's composition for this instrument, the introductory essay for this edition manages to mark out a precise chronological grid against which it is possible to date the work exactly. This investigation likewise produces a precise dating for the concerto RV 585, the earliest specimen of its kind, which was composed between September 1708 and February 1709. This 'story of the organs' additionally affords the opportunity to present an anthology of documents from the Pietà shedding light on the special relationship that existed between Vivaldi, the governors and the “figlie”.

Of this concerto, which was certainly composed in its entirety by Vivaldi and therefore - in all likelihood - also performed, there remains today only the autograph of the first, extended movement: enough to bear witness to the quality and impressiveness of the work and encourage its performance.

頁數: 76
重量(g): 226.8
UPC: 888680739430
