
Concerto No. 2 in B Minor, Opus 7 帕格尼尼 協奏曲 作品

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

尼科洛-帕格尼尼被公認為有史以來最偉大的小提琴家,他的小提琴作品也是有史以來最美妙的作品之一。赫克托-柏遼茲評論說......寬廣的義大利旋律充滿激情,在戲劇作曲家最優秀的作品中很少能找到......和聲總是清晰、簡潔,具有非凡的音質。他的管弦樂演奏精妙絕倫,充滿活力而不喧鬧。Kalmus 很榮幸地推出帕格尼尼大師的第二小提琴協奏曲。該版本印刷精美,適合高級演奏家"

作曲家: Paganini Niccolò
樂器: Violin
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
Niccolo Paganini was widely recognized as the greatest violinist of all time and his compositions for violin, not surprisingly, are some of the most fantastic ever written. Hector Berlioz commented " . . . broad Italian melodies full of passionate ardour, seldom found in the best pages of dramatic composers . . . harmonies are always clear, simple, and of extraordinary sonorousness. His orchestration is brilliant and energetic without being noisy." Kalmus is proud to present the second violin concerto by the master, Paganini. A cleanly printed edition for the advanced player.

頁數: 60
重量(g): 163.2932532
ISBN: 9780757982644
UPC: 654979027638
