
Vocal Chamber Music for Voice and Piano 室內樂 鋼琴 聲樂

來自 Ricordi
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

弗朗切斯科-西萊亞(Francesco Cilea,1866-1950 年)的所有室內聲樂作品,其中大部分至今仍未出版,已利用原始手稿和印刷版本進行了修訂。這部作品集包括朱塞佩-菲利亞諾蒂撰寫的前言和對文本的詳細解釋,以及弗朗切斯科-切薩里對每首樂曲的評論。所有文本均使用義大利語和英語"

作曲家: Francesco Cilea
校訂者: Giuseppe Filianoti
樂器: Voice; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Ricordi
All of the vocal chamber music of Francesco Cilea (1866-1950), most of which has remained unpublished until today, has been revised using original autograph manuscripts and printed editions. This collection includes an extended foreword and a detailed explanation of the texts by Giuseppe Filianoti, as well as a commentary on each piece by Francesco Cesari. All of the texts are in Italian and English.

“'Alba Novella,' 'Vita breve,' 'Nel ridestarmi' and 'Canzone dolorosa' are neglected gems worthy of frequent performance. The charming lullaby 'Ninnananna' is one song in the volume that would be suitable for young and developing singers.”–American Music Teacher

頁數: 172
重量(g): 643.545
UPC: 888680646905

