
J.F.K. Commemorative Fanfare String Orchestra Music/String Orchestra 號曲弦樂團

$2,700TWD - $2,700TWD
$2,700TWD - $2,700TWD

作曲家在談到他為絃樂隊和小軍鼓創作的扇子曲時寫道:"當倫納德-斯拉特金大師(與約翰和瓊-海欽格基金會合作)委託我創作一首扇子曲來紀念甘迺迪中心成立 25 周年時,我不僅感到非常榮幸,而且還非常感傷。......(我)寫這首曲子並不是為了展示作曲家所有的創新手段,也不是為了解決全球性的音樂探索問題,而是為了給觀眾帶來簡短、喜慶、強勁、激動人心和歡樂的慶祝活動。 我的許多同事都知道我喜歡複雜的音樂模式,他們問我怎麼能用我特有的不規則節奏來創作一首扇子曲。 我必須承認,我克制了自己,忠實于扇形樂的基本思想。 如果聽眾發現自己處於歡樂和慶祝的情緒中,那麼我覺得我就成功了"

作曲家: Andreas Makris
樂器: Orchestra; String Orchestra
出版社: Southern Music Co.
The composer writes about his fanfare for string orchestra and snare drum: “When Maestro Leonard Slatkin (in collaboration with the John and June Hechinger Foundation) commissioned me to compose a fanfare to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Kennedy Center, I was not only honored, but I also felt very sentimental. ... (I)t was not written to exhibit every innovative device available to the composer, nor to solve musical explorations of global dimensions, but to be a brief, festive, robust, exciting, and joyful celebrations for the audience. Many of my colleagues who know my fondness for intricate musical patterns asked how I could compose a fanfare using irregular rhythms typical to me. I must admit that I restrained myself and remained faithful to the basic idea of the fanfare. If the audience finds itself to be in a joyful and celebratory mood, then I feel that I shall have been successful.”
難易度: 4

頁數: 0
重量(g): 0
UPC: 884088736637
