
Violin Concerto No. 2 林德貝里.馬格努斯 小提琴協奏曲 總譜 博浩版

$2,300TWD - $2,300TWD
$2,300TWD - $2,300TWD

這部作品創作於 2015 年,由倫敦愛樂樂團、柏林愛樂基金會、瑞典廣播交響樂團、法國廣播電臺和紐約愛樂樂團委約創作。這部作品的獻禮人是弗蘭克-彼得-齊默爾曼(Frank Peter Zimmermann),他的演奏建議已被納入樂譜。協奏曲在 25 分鐘的時間內分為三個樂章和快板。倫敦《金融時報》評論道:"......不乏技術上的嚴謹。然而,氣氛卻是沉悶的......森林和湖泊上空烏雲密佈,壓抑的激情和可怕的欲望盡收眼底""

作曲家: Lindberg, Magnus
樂器: violin and orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Dating from 2015, this work was a commission from the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Radio France and New York Philharmonic. Its dedicatee is Frank Peter Zimmermann, whose performance suggestions have been incorporated into the score. Cast in a single 25-minute span, the concerto falls into three movements, plus cadenza. London’s Financial Times commented, “… there is no lack of technical discipline. The atmosphere, though, is brooding … a panoramic vista opens up of dark clouds over forests and lakes, of repressed passions and baleful desires.”

頁數: 96
重量(g): 310
ISMN: 9790060136306
ISBN: 9781784545390
UPC: 888680952587
