
Tempus Fugit 林德貝里.馬格努斯 總譜 博浩版

$2,780TWD - $2,780TWD
$2,780TWD - $2,780TWD

《TEMPUS FUGIT》是為慶祝2017年12月6日芬蘭獨立一百周年而委約創作的,當天由芬蘭廣播交響樂團在赫爾辛基首演。作曲家說:"如果把《TEMPUS FUGIT》翻譯成《時光飛逝》,你可以說芬蘭已經走過了漫長的道路--但100年只是一個短暫的時間跨度,作為人類生活在世界上的這個地方從很久以前就開始了,而且我們希望,在未來的幾千年裡還會繼續下去。這與我對貝恩德-阿洛伊斯-齊默爾曼(Bernd Alois Zimmermann)的 "球形時間 "概念的癡迷有關--即過去、現在和未來不斷相連,觸手可及。您還可以在施托克豪森的早期作品中,如《Kontakte》和《Gruppen》中,研究音樂時間的相互聯繫,這些作品對我這個年輕作曲家影響很大。我更喜歡將 TEMPUS FUGIT 譯為'飛行中的時間',意指時間從我們身邊溜走,卻留下了有形的殘留物,就像飛機飛向遠方,卻留下了可見的蒸汽痕跡。這部長達 30 分鐘的樂譜是管弦樂曲目的重要補充"

作曲家: Lindberg, Magnus
樂器: orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
TEMPUS FUGIT was commissioned to celebrate the centenary of Finnish independence on 6 December 2017 and it received its first performance in Helsinki on that day, given by the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. The composer says that “if you translate TEMPUS FUGIT as ‘Time Flies’, you could say that Finland has travelled a long way already – but 100 years is a short time-span, and living as a human in this part of the world started long ago and, we hope, will continue for millennia to come. This relates to my fascination with Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s concept of spherical time – that the past, the present and the future are continuously linked and within reach. You can also examine the inter-connection of musical time in the earlier works of Stockhausen such as Kontakte and Gruppen which had a big impact on me as a young composer. A translation of TEMPUS FUGIT that I prefer is ‘Time in Flight’, offering the idea that time escapes from us but bequeaths a tangible residue, rather like a plane travelling towards the distance but leaving a visible vapour trail.” This 30-minute score is a major addition to the orchestral repertory.

頁數: 144
重量(g): 440
ISMN: 9790060135880
ISBN: 9781784545062
UPC: 888680952570
