
String Quartet No. 2 凱斯肯 弦樂四重奏 總譜 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$950TWD - $950TWD
$950TWD - $950TWD

"20世紀末創作的絃樂四重奏承認古典四樂章模式,這似乎是一種古板的老式方法,但我想看看我自己對色彩和戲劇性事件、旋律(或歌唱性)和音樂舞蹈的關注是否能在結構嚴密的框架內得以實現"。這部作品是為琳賽絃樂四重奏(Lindsay String Quartet)創作的,並由他們於 1994 年 2 月 5 日在曼徹斯特大學的晚間系列音樂會上首演

作曲家: Casken, John
樂器: string quartet
出版社: Schott Music
“A string quartet written in the late twentieth century which acknowledges the classical four movement model may seem a quaintly old-fashioned approach, but I wanted to see if my own concerns for colour and dramatic event, for the melos (or singing quality) and for the dance of the music could be realised within a tightly structured framework.” The work was written for the Lindsay String Quartet and premiered by them in their evening concert series at the University of Manchester on 5th February 1994.

頁數: 33
重量(g): 150
ISMN: 9790220119309
