
Concert music op. 50 辛德密特 音樂會 總譜 歐伊倫堡版

$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD
$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD

這首為弦樂團和銅管樂器而作的音樂會樂曲,作品 50 是為 1930 年波士頓交響樂團成立 50 周年而創作的。它與中提琴獨奏和大型室內樂團音樂會作品 48 以及鋼琴、銅管樂器和雙豎琴音樂會作品 49 同屬一個系列。這三部作品都顯示出興德密斯努力探索音樂會曲目的新可能性,目的是重振音樂會的不同性質--這一目標在今天仍然具有現實意義。樂譜研究版中的印刷音樂以保羅-欣德米特作品全集為基礎"

作曲家: Hindemith, Paul
編者: Werner-Jensen, Arnold
樂器: string orchestra and brass instruments
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH

Preface / Vorwort - Orchestration / Orchesterbesetzung - Faksimile - Konzertmusik: - Erster Teil - Zweiter Teil

This Concert music for string orchestra and brass instruments, op. 50 was commissioned for the 50th anniversary of the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1930. It stands in a series with the Concert music for solo viola and large chamber orchestra, Op. 48 and the Concert music for piano, brass instruments and two harps, Op. 49. All three works show Hindemith endeavouring to explore new possibilities in concert repertoire, with the aim of revitalising the vary nature of concert-going – an aim which is still relevant today. The printed music in the study edition of the score is based on the complete edition of Paul Hindemith’s works.
頁數: 88
重量(g): 100
ISMN: 9790200220506
ISBN: 9783795762933