
Chamber Music No. 5 op. 36/4 辛德密特 室內樂 總譜 歐伊倫堡版

$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

室內樂作品是欣德米特 20 年代最成功的器樂作品之一。在《第一號室內樂》的世界首演中,觀眾甚至要求重複第三和第四樂章。不過,這一系列作品共有七首,其標題有誤導之嫌: 這些作品都是獨奏協奏曲。第 1 號的特點是 "樂器",如裝滿沙子的罐子和汽笛,以及打擊樂的豐富運用。樂譜基於吉塞爾-舒伯特編輯的《欣德米特全集》第 IV/2 卷(PHA 402)"

作曲家: Hindemith, Paul
編者: Schubert, Giselher
樂器: solo-viola, gr. flute, oboe, 2 clarinets (in Eb and B), bassclarinet (in Bb), 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, horn (in F), 2 trumpets (in C), 2 trombones, basstuba, 4 cellos, 4 double basses
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH

Preface - Vorwort - Sehr schnell und wild - Mäßig schnelle Halbe. Sehr streng im Rhythmus - Quartett. Sehr langsam und mit viel Ausdruck - Finale: 1921. Äußerst lebhaft

The chamber music works are among Hindemith's most successful instrumental works of the 1920s. At the world premiere of 'Chamber Music No. 1', the audience even demanded a repetition of the third and fourth movements. But the title of the series of works consisting of seven compositions altogether is misleading: The individual pieces rather have concertante soloistic features. No. 1 is characterised by 'instruments', like a can filled with sand and a siren, as well as the rich use of percussion. The scores are based on Vol. IV/2 (PHA 402) of the Hindemith Complete Edition, edited by Giselher Schubert.
頁數: 102
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790200226058
ISBN: 9783795772314
UPC: 841886017726