
Chamber music No. 3 op. 36/2 für obligates Violoncello und 10 Solo-Instrumente 辛德密特 室內樂 大提琴 總譜 歐伊倫堡版

$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

這七首室內樂作品是欣德米特 20 年代最成功的器樂作品之一,也是當時新音樂中最成功的作品之一。在《第一號室內樂》的世界首演中,觀眾甚至要求重複第三和第四樂章。但標題有誤導之嫌: 實際上,這些樂曲都具有協奏獨奏的特點,而不是遵循室內樂的傳統。因此,《第三號室內樂》是為大提琴伴奏和 10 件獨奏樂器而作。樂譜基於吉塞爾-舒伯特編輯的《欣德米特全集》第 VI/1 卷(PHA 401)

作曲家: Hindemith, Paul
編者: Schubert, Giselher
樂器: solo-cello, flute (Piccolo), oboe, clarinet (Bb and Eb), bassoon, horn (F), trumpet (C), trombone, violin, cello and double bass
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH

1. Majestätisch und stark - 2. Lebhaft und lustig - 3. Sehr ruhig und gemessen schreitende Viertel - 4. Mäßig bewegte Halbe. Munter aber immer gemächlich

The seven chamber music pieces are among Hindemith's most successful instrumental works of the 1920s and, in addition, of the new music of that time per se. At the world premiere of Chamber Music No. 1, the audience even demanded a repetition of the third and fourth movements. But the title is misleading: The individual pieces actually have concertante soloistic features instead of submitting to chamber music traditions. And so Chamber Music No. 3 is written for violoncello obbligato and 10 solo instruments.The score is based on Vol. VI/1 (PHA 401) of the Hindemith Complete Edition, edited by Giselher Schubert.
頁數: 76
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790200225808
ISBN: 9783795772154
UPC: 841886015814