
Fantasy Pieces for Piano and Clarinet Op. 73 Version for Violin 舒曼‧羅伯特 幻想小品 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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這些充滿詩意的《詠歎調小品》(Soirée Pieces)(因此原名為《詠歎調小品》)的誕生環境令人驚訝。1849年,德累斯頓發生了劇烈的政治動盪,最終迫使舒曼帶著克拉拉逃往鄉下。然而,在這三首曲子的音樂中,這一切都不明顯,其田園詩般的特徵昭示著對和諧與隱居的渴望。這三首樂曲最初是為單簧管創作的,但早在最初的版本中就有小提琴和大提琴的伴奏部分。我們對我們的版本進行了全面的評論,並包含了詳細的編輯說明部分"

作曲家: Robert Schumann
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Schumann: Fantasy Piece for Piano and Clarinet, Version for Violin op. 73

The circumstances in which these poetic Soirée Pieces (thus their original title) came into being are quite surprising. In 1849 Dresden was seized by violent political turmoil that ultimately forced Schumann to flee with Clara to the countryside. Yet none of this is apparent in the music of these three pieces, whose idyllic character signifies a longing for harmony and seclusion. Originally conceived for the clarinet, they were accompanied by alternative parts for violin and cello as early as the original print. We have subjected our editions to a thoroughgoing critique and include a section of detailed editorial notes.
頁數: 24
重量(g): 175.77
UPC: 884088176143