
Piano Trios - Volume I Study Score 貝多芬 鋼琴三重奏 總譜 亨乐版

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在古典時代,直到 19 世紀,鋼琴三重奏都是我們可以稱之為 "時尚配件 "的東西。因此,貝多芬追隨海頓和莫札特的腳步,創作了這一體裁的 13 首鋼琴三重奏,絕非偶然

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Günter Raphael
樂器: Cello; Piano; Violin; Piano Trio
出版社: G. Henle Verlag

Beethoven: Trio c minor op. 1,3
Beethoven: Trio G major op. 1,2
Beethoven: Trio E flat major op. 1,1
Beethoven: Trio B flat major op. 11 (Piano, Clarinet [Violin], Violoncello) B flat major op. 11

In the classical era, and far into the 19th century, piano trios were what we might call “fashion accessories”. It is thus no coincidence that Beethoven, following in the footsteps of Haydn and Mozart, took up this genre and created altogether 13 piano trios of his own.

This first volume contains the three Piano Trios op. 1, the very first works of all which Beethoven deemed publishable and deserving of an opus number. This was followed by the Trio op. 11 for clarinet or violin, cello and piano (“Gassenhauer”). Beethoven drew a great deal of attention to himself when he presented the three Trios op. 1 to the public (including Joseph Haydn) probably in August 1795, at a soirée given by Prince Lichnowsky. They have remained precious exemplars of their genre to this day.
頁數: 152
重量(g): 303.345
UPC: 884088183332