
Musica ricercata for pianoforte 李蓋悌 鋼琴 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

在 1951 年至 1953 年間創作的 11 首《Musica Ricercata》中,散發著不可抗拒的元素力量。匈牙利著名鋼琴家捷爾吉-裡蓋蒂(György Ligeti)的早期鋼琴作品源于對極簡節奏和聲音結構的實驗,按照裡蓋蒂自己的說法,是為了從無到有地建立一種新音樂。他僅用幾個音調就達到了令人振奮的效果。在第一首樂曲中,他使用了一個音調,並在最後添加了另一個音調。第二首樂曲由三個音組成,第三首由四個音組成,而第十一首樂曲則由十二個音組成。Ricercata 音樂》的第二首樂曲曾為斯坦利-庫布裡克(Stanley Kubrick)的電影《大開眼戒》(Eyes Wide Shut)配樂

作曲家: Ligeti, György
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music

I Sostenuto · Misurato · Prestissimo - II Mesto, rigido e ceremoniale - III Allegro con spirito - IV Tempo di valse (poco vivace · “à l’orgue de Barbarie”) - V Rubato. Lamentoso - VI Allegro molto capriccioso - VII Cantabile, molto legato - VIII Vivace. Energico - IX (Béla Bartók in memoriam) Adagio. Mesto · Allegro maestoso - X Vivace. Capriccioso - XI (Omaggio a Girolamo Frescobaldi) Andante misurato e tranquillo

An irresistible elemental power emanates from the eleven pieces of the Musica Ricercata composed between 1951 and 1953. The early piano work by the famous Hungarian György Ligeti arose from experiments with minimalist structures of rhythm and sound in order to build a New Music from nothing, so to speak, according to Ligeti himself. The effect that he achieves with just a few tones is inspiring. In the first piece, he uses one tone to which is added another tone at the end. In the second piece, the music consists of three tones, in the third of four, up to twelve tones in the eleventh piece. The second piece of the Music Ricercata served as soundtrack for the film Eyes Wide Shut by Stanley Kubrick.
頁數: 37
重量(g): 180
ISMN: 9790001080361
ISBN: 9783795795320