
Spinnwebwald in memoriam Akira Kurosawa 鋼琴四重奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$2,480TWD - $2,480TWD
$2,480TWD - $2,480TWD

約斯特的鋼琴四重奏是對日本傑出電影導演黑澤明及其改編的三部莎士比亞悲劇(《哈姆雷特》、《李爾王》、《馬克白》)的致敬。雖然《旋渦》沿用了黑澤明的電影片名 "Das Schloss im Spinnwebwald"(《馬克白》),但作品不僅指一部電影,還表達了當時的情緒。根據黑澤明將語言轉化為手勢的手法,作曲家憑藉豐富的想像力,成功地將視覺印象轉化為富有表現力的多彩聲音,令演奏者和聽眾為之傾倒"

作曲家: Jost Christian
樂器: piano quartet
出版社: Schott Music
Jost's piano quartet is an homage to the outstanding Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa and his adaptations of three Shakespeare tragedies ('Hamlet', 'King Lear', 'Macbeth'). Although 'Spinnwebwald' falls back on Kurosawa's film title 'Das Schloss im Spinnwebwald' ('Macbeth'), the work not only refers to a single film but also expresses the prevailing mood. In accordance with Kurosawa's conversion of language into gestures, the composer manages, with plenty of imagination, to convert visual impressions into expressive colourful sounds which captivate players and listeners alike.
難度: difficult

頁數: 92
重量(g): 340
ISMN: 9790001152815
