
Tambourin Chinois (Chinese Drum) 克萊斯勒 中國花鼓鼓

來自 Alfred Music
$240TWD - $240TWD
$240TWD - $240TWD

葛列格-安德森(Greg Anderson)和伊莉莎白-喬伊-羅(Elizabeth Joy Roe)也許是當今最令人激動的年輕二重奏組合,他們帶來的令人腎上腺素飆升的古典音樂會徹底改變了 21 世紀的鋼琴二重奏體驗。葛列格和莉茲將他們歡樂的友情和精湛的藝術技巧帶到了音樂會的舞臺上,他們的四手聯彈和雙鋼琴演奏令世界各地的觀眾目不暇接。Anderson & Roe Duos & Duets 系列收錄了二人演奏的鼓舞人心的曲目--從珍藏的歌劇旋律到流行電影音樂的混合曲目。Sleigh Ride: A Holiday Excursion》改編自勒羅伊-安德森(Leroy Anderson)的永恆經典之作,深受聽眾喜愛。這首改編曲的開頭以俏皮的頓挫音符展現了標誌性的主旋律,中間穿插著閃閃發光的樂段。隨著激動人心的氣氛逐漸升溫,演奏者們交替使用歡快的節奏、打擊和絃和令人眼花繚亂的滑音。當雪橇之旅即將結束時,一些音樂驚喜為這對活潑的雙人組合畫上了一個異想天開的句號,使該曲目成為節日獨奏會的壓軸曲目或安可曲的完美選擇。Anderson & Roe 演奏的音樂視頻可在 www.andersonroe.com 上找到。聯邦音樂節 2020-2024 年精選曲目"

作曲家: Kreisler Fritz
改編者: Greg Anderson
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced;
風格: Masterwork Arrangement
Greg Anderson and Elizabeth Joy Roe are perhaps the most thrilling young duo performing today, offering adrenalized classical concerts that are revolutionizing the piano duo experience for the 21st century. Described as "Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers transposed from the dance floor to the keyboard" (The Southampton Press) and "the intense synchronization of genius" (ThirdCoast Digest), Greg and Liz bring their joyous camaraderie and refined artistry to the concert stage, dazzling audiences around the world as a four-hand and two-piano team. The Anderson & Roe Duos & Duets series features inspiring arrangements as performed by the duo---from settings of treasured opera melodies to medleys of popular movie music. The pieces are edited with fingering and other directions that facilitate rehearsal and performance, making them accessible for advancing students as well as for concert performers. Regarded as one of the greatest violinists of all time, Fritz Kreisler composed dozens of short works for violin and piano to perform on his recitals. Tambourin Chinois is a joyous and delightful musical gem, a celebration of imagined worlds and faraway lands. An acrobatic arrangement, the pianists are asked to recreate the playfulness of the music through dance-like interaction.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 68.0388555
ISBN: 9780739092989
UPC: 38081448893

