
Jazz Debonaire 爵士音樂

來自 Alfred Music
$200TWD - $200TWD
$200TWD - $200TWD

瑪莎-米爾的名字是爵士樂的代名詞,這首二重奏也不會讓人失望。瑪莎-米爾標誌性的爵士樂音色貫穿了這首精緻而優雅的樂曲。樂曲以 F 大調、4/4 拍譜寫,開頭的主題讓人聯想到軟鞋舞,兩個聲部都使用了頓音,主音旋律俏皮可愛。A-B-A 形式讓二重奏的旋律出現在 B 段,為主音和副音創造了平等的演奏機會"

作曲家: Martha Mier
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Intermediate;
風格: Jazz
Martha Mier's name is synonymous with jazz, and this duet does not disappoint. The trademark Mier jazz sound is found throughout this sophisticated and "debonair" piece. Written in F major and 4/4 meter, the opening theme brings to mind a soft shoe dance with its use of staccato in both parts and a playful melody in the primo. The A-B-A form allows the secondo to have the melody in the B section, creating equal playing opportunities for both primo and secondo.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 45.359237
ISBN: 9780739079768
UPC: 38081418896
