
Une barque sur l'océan for Piano Solo 拉威爾‧摩利斯 鋼琴 海上孤舟 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$410TWD - $410TWD

拉威爾的《朦朧詩》(Miroirs,1904/05 年)的標題可以解釋為對人類經驗世界的 "反思"。在這一樂章的自然畫卷中,"蔚藍海岸上的小船"(Une barque sur l'Océan)尤其受歡迎,它與德彪西在同一時期創作的管弦樂作品 "大海"(La mer)形成了鋼琴上的互補。寬廣的琶音,加上五度、四度和二度的微妙節奏,描繪出一幅自成一格的海上畫卷:一方面,我們看到的是一艘任憑風浪擺佈的小船,另一方面,我們看到的是人類生活多變的寓言。這是繼 "Alborado del gracioso"(HN 1295)之後,G. Henle 出版社出版的第二部單獨版本的拉威爾 "Miroirs "作品

作曲家: Maurice Ravel
校訂者: Peter Jost
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The title of Ravel's Miroirs (1904/05) can be interpreted as “reflections” of the human world of experiences. Among the nature pictures in this cycle, “Une barque sur l'océan” is particularly popular, forming a pianistic complement to Debussy's orchestral work “La mer,” which was written at about the same time. The spacious arpeggios, with fifths, fourths and seconds hovering above them in subtle rhythms, paint a maritime tableau that is in a genre all of its own: on the one hand we have a stylised picture of a boat at the mercy of the wind and the waves, while on the other hand an allegory of the volatile nature of human life. This is the second, separate edition of a piece from Ravel's “Miroirs” to be published by G. Henle Publishers, after “Alborado del gracioso” (HN 1295).

頁數: 28
重量(g): 155.925
UPC: 888680688868
