
String Quintets, Op. 18 and 87 孟德爾頌‧菲利克斯 弦樂五重奏 總譜 亨乐版

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$970TWD - $970TWD

孟德爾松弦樂五重奏的起源與他的朋友愛德華-裡茨和後者的弟弟朱利斯密切相關。愛德華於 1832 年去世後,孟德爾松深受其影響,於是將六年前創作的 A 大調五重奏作品《18》中的 "小步舞曲 "樂章換成了弦樂五重奏作品《18》中的 "小步舞曲 "樂章。18 作品中的 "小步舞曲 "樂章換成了新創作的快板。這部作品就是以這種形式最終送交出版商的。降 B 大調五重奏》直到孟德爾松去世後才得以出版;朱利斯-裡茨未經授權的大量作品因此進入了演奏實踐。通過對親筆簽名的考證,亨勒得以將作品還原成最初的形式--評注中包含了這方面的詳細資訊"

作曲家: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
樂器: String Quintet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The genesis of Mendelssohn's string quintets is closely connected to his friend Eduard Rietz and the latter's brother Julius. Deeply affected by Eduard's death in 1832, Mendelssohn exchanged the “Minuetto” movement in his A major Quintet op. 18, written six years previously, for a newly composed adagio. It was in this form that the work was finally sent to the publisher. The Quintet in B flat major was only published after Mendelssohn's death; numerous, unauthorized entries by Julius Rietz thus found their way into performance practice. An examination of the autograph allowed Henle to return the work to its original form – the commentary contains detailed information on this.

頁數: 150
重量(g): 303.345
UPC: 884088660376

