
Sonatine Piano 拉威爾‧摩利斯 鋼琴 亨乐版

$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

莫里斯-拉威爾的鋼琴奏鳴曲第一樂章可能寫於 1903 年。無論如何,作曲家于 1904 年 1 月 8 日在瑪格麗特-德-聖瑪索沙龍舉行的晚會上演奏了這首曲子。至於其他兩個樂章是在什麼時候創作的,就不得而知了。這部作品於 1906 年在里昂首演時受到了熱烈歡迎,但巴黎的公眾起初卻對其持保留態度。拉威爾似乎非常重視《奏鳴曲》,因為他一直將這部結構清晰、近乎古典主義的作品列入自己的音樂會曲目中

作曲家: Maurice Ravel
校訂者: Peter Jost
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The first movement of Maurice Ravel's Sonatine for piano was probably written in 1903. At any rate the composer played it on 8 January 1904 at a soirée held at the salon of Marguerite de Saint-Marceaux. It is not known at exactly what date afterwards he composed the other two movements. While the work had a very positive reception at its premiere in Lyon in 1906, the Paris public was more reserved at first. Ravel seems to have greatly valued the Sonatine because he kept including the clearly and almost classically structured work in his own concert programs.


頁數: 20
重量(g): 144.585
UPC: 884088648459
