
Sonatinas for Piano and Violin Op. Post. 137 舒伯特 小奏鳴曲 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

每個年輕的小提琴家都熟悉舒伯特的小提琴和鋼琴奏鳴曲。這裡使用的 "奏鳴曲 "這一稱謂來自 1836 年的遺作;舒伯特本人稱它們為 "奏鳴曲"。之所以選擇這種小巧的形式,無疑是因為這些樂曲非常容易演奏;市場行銷方面的考慮或許也是原因之一。這兩首曲子旋律生動活潑,具有典型的舒伯特風格,是有史以來最受歡迎的鋼琴和小提琴曲之一,在亨勒公司的產品目錄中一直保持著 "暢銷曲目 "的地位(在 "早期 "出版商中編號為 6!)。舒伯特於 1816 年創作這兩首曲子,時年 19 歲。初版本有時與親筆簽名有很大出入;幸運的是,初版本幾乎完整地保存了下來(缺少了第二奏鳴曲的終曲)。對於這最後一個樂章,必須以初版本為參考"

作曲家: Franz Schubert
校訂者: Günter Henle
樂器: Piano; Violin
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Every young violinist is familiar with Schubert's sonatinas for violin and piano. The title “sonatinas” used here is derived from the posthumous print of 1836; Schubert himself called them “sonatas.” The diminutive form was no doubt selected because the pieces are fairly easy to play; marketing considerations perhaps also played a role here. With their typically lively, Schubertian melodies, they are among the most popular pieces ever written for piano and violin, and have continuously maintained their position as “bestsellers” in the Henle catalog (having the “early” publisher's number 6!). Schubert wrote them in 1816, thus at the age of 19. The first edition sometimes diverges considerably from the autograph; fortunately it has survived almost in its entirety (missing is the finale of the 2nd sonatina). For this final movement, the first edition had to be consulted as a source.

頁數: 72
重量(g): 368.55
UPC: 884088172183
