
Selected Piano Works - Character Pieces Piano Solo 黑勒史提芬 鋼琴 特性曲 亨乐版

$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD
$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD

本卷收錄了 19 世紀作曲家斯蒂芬-海勒(Stephen Heller)的多首小巧但悅耳的鋼琴曲。大部分曲子難度適中,但它們的音色總能散發出獨特的魅力。1853 年,海勒在寫給出版商的信中說,他並不想在這裡 "寫下許多文字",而是想 "用寥寥幾筆 "表達一些 "有內涵、有意義的東西"。我們這一卷提供了有關海勒藝術發展的寶貴見解,其中全部是 "人物小品",這種形式構成了他創作的主要部分。例如,"Die kleine Bettlerin"(小乞丐女孩)、"Nach erquickender Rast"(清爽的休息之後)和 "Weinendes Kind"(哭泣的孩子)--這些場景勾勒並表達了一種特定的情緒。正如烏蘇拉-克爾斯滕(Ursula Kersten)在序言中寫道:"海勒的音樂已經讓人聯想到印象派,值得我們去更深入地瞭解本卷的作曲家"

作曲家: Stephen Heller
校訂者: Ursula Kersten
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In this volume are many small but pleasing piano pieces by the 19th-century composer Stephen Heller. The majority are of only medium difficulty, but their sound always has a particular charm. In 1853, Heller wrote to his publisher that he had not sought to “write many words” here, but wanted to suggest something “substantial and meaningful in just a few strokes.” Our volume provides valuable insights into Heller's artistic development and its entirety devoted to the “character piece”, a form that comprises the major part of his compositional output. Examples include “Die kleine Bettlerin” [the little beggar girl], “Nach erquickender Rast” [after a refreshing rest] and “Weinendes Kind” [crying child] – scenes that conjure up and express a particular mood. As Ursula Kersten writes in her preface, Heller's music already makes one think of impressionism, and repays the effort involved in getting to know the composer of this volume more closely.

頁數: 102
重量(g): 402.57
UPC: 884088175658
