
Rondo capriccioso, Op. 14 National Federation of Music Clubs 2014-2016 Selection 孟德爾頌‧菲利克斯 迴旋曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$500TWD - $500TWD
$500TWD - $500TWD

烏爾裡希-舍伊德爾(Ullrich Scheideler)編輯了孟德爾松最重要、最優美的鋼琴作品之一,並再次與原作進行了比較。Henle 出版社現將其修訂版發行,並附有他的全面評論。這首閃亮的華彩樂章在 1828 年的第一版中被稱為 "練習曲"。兩年後,孟德爾松希望將這首作品獻給當時正在追求他的年輕鋼琴演奏家德爾菲娜-馮-紹洛斯。他以新的標題 "隨想曲迴旋曲 "重新創作了這首曲子,使其更加出色,並加入了 "動人的前奏快板"(在給芬妮的信中如此描述)。在這種形式下,這部作品仍能給所有優秀的鋼琴家帶來挑戰。

作曲家: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
校訂者: Ullrich Scheideler
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Ullrich Scheideler has edited one of Mendelssohn's most important and beautiful piano works, comparing it again with the sources. Henle Publishers is now issuing it in a revised edition with his comprehensive commentary. The sparkling bravura piece was called an “Etude” in the first version of 1828. Two years later Mendelssohn wanted to present the work to the young piano virtuoso Delphine von Schauroth, whom he was courting at the time. He reworked it under the new title “Rondo capriccioso,” making it even more brilliant and adding a “moving introductory adagio” (thus described in a letter to Fanny). In this form, the work still presents all good pianists with a rewarding challenge.

To see other NFMC selections, click here.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 113.4
UPC: 884088415952
