
Romance in A Major, Op. 69 Cello and Piano 佛瑞 浪漫曲 大提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

這首曲子簡短迷人,曲調優美,可能是 1894 年寫成的,不過福雷是根據大提琴和管風琴的舊版本改編的。後來,樂曲的速度改為 "Andante quasi Allegretto",使得作品最初的標題 "Andante "變得不合時宜。改名為 "浪漫曲 "也更適合其歌曲性質。1894 年 11 月首演後,該曲迅速走紅,至今仍是音樂會上深受喜愛的安可曲。這首 "浪漫曲 "延續了亨勒烏爾文系列中的福雷大提琴短曲,我們還請大衛-格林加斯(David Geringas)為其添加了演奏標記"

作曲家: Gabriel Fauré
校訂者: Jean-Christophe Monnier
樂器: Cello; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
This brief, utterly charming and tuneful piece was probably committed to paper in 1894, though Fauré based it on an older version for cello and organ. The subsequent tempo change to “Andante quasi Allegretto” made the work's original title of “Andante” obsolete. The change of name to “Romance” was also better suited to its songlike nature. After its first performance in November 1894, the piece rapidly became popular and is a well-loved encore piece at concerts today. This “Romance” continues the Henle Urtext series of short pieces for cello by Fauré, for which we have been able to engage David Geringas to add the performance markings.

頁數: 14
重量(g): 73.71
UPC: 888680925000
