
Piano Sonata No. 9, Op. 68 斯克里亞賓 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$650TWD - $650TWD

斯克雅賓的第九奏鳴曲通常被稱為 "黑色彌撒"。與被稱為 "白色彌撒 "的第七奏鳴曲不同,這一名稱並非來自作曲家。他寫道:"在第九奏鳴曲中,我比以往任何時候都更接近撒旦......"。神秘的黑暗領域令斯克裡亞賓著迷。任何人在聆聽這首奇異的作品時,都會不由自主地陷入惡魔般的漩渦--音樂仿佛被一股暗流牽引著,向奏鳴曲戲劇性的結尾駛去。這首極富表現力的作品由作曲家親自首演。首次出版後,他對其進行了修訂,而這個新版本正是我們版本的主要來源"

作曲家: Alexander Scriabin
校訂者: Valentina Rubcova
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Skrjabin's 9th Sonata is often referred to as the “Black Mass.” Unlike the 7th Sonata, the so-called “White Mass,” this name did not stem from the composer. He writes: “In the ninth sonata I came closer than ever before to the Satanic...”. The mystic-dark sphere fascinated Skrjabin. Anyone who listens to this bizarre work will involuntarily become caught up in the diabolical vortex – the music heads towards the sonata's dramatic conclusion as if being pulled in an undertow. The highly expressive work was given its first performance by the composer himself. Following its first publication he revised it, and this new edition was the primary source for our edition.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 107.73
UPC: 884088551346
