
Piano Sonata No. 5, Op. 53 斯克里亞賓 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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斯克裡亞賓曾這樣描述他的第五鋼琴奏鳴曲:"這是一首偉大的鋼琴詩。事實上,這首鋼琴奏鳴曲與他的管弦樂大詩《Le Poème de l'extase》是同時創作的,而且兩首作品都基於相同的文學綱領。斯克裡亞賓花了很長時間錘煉這首以詩歌形式表現他對世界發展的哲學思想的作品,直到 1906 年將其單獨成冊出版。大約一年後,斯克裡亞賓宣佈他已完成第五首奏鳴曲,並表示:"我認為這是我最好的鋼琴作品。我自己也不知道發生了什麼樣的奇跡"。這首里程碑式的鋼琴作品延續了 Henle 的斯克裡亞賓鋼琴作品烏爾文版系列"

作曲家: Alexander Scriabin
校訂者: Michael Schneidt
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
“A great poem for the piano” was how Scriabin described his fifth piano sonata. It was indeed composed at the same time as his great poem for orchestra “Le Poème de l'extase,” and both works are based on the same literary program. Scriabin spent a long time honing the text, which represents his philosophic idea of the development of the world in poetic form, until its publication in a separate volume in 1906. About a year later Scriabin announced that he had completed his fifth sonata, stating,“and I consider it to be the best of my works for piano. I do not know myself what kind of a miracle has happened.” This landmark for piano continues Henle's series of Urtext editions of Scriabin's piano works.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 175.77
UPC: 884088660260
