
Piano Sonata No. 10, Op. 70 斯克里亞賓 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

$810TWD - $810TWD
$810TWD - $810TWD

斯克裡亞賓的第十奏鳴曲與第八和第九兩首奏鳴曲同時創作於1912/13年冬。最遲可能在 1913 年 6 月完成。根據列昂尼德-薩貝涅耶夫(Leonid Sabenejev)的回憶,斯克裡亞賓已於 1913 年春向朋友們演奏了該奏鳴曲的部分曲目,並表示 "他成功地簡化了和聲,但沒有破壞奏鳴曲的心理複雜性"。莫斯科首演後,一位評論家寫道:"第十奏鳴曲必須算得上是斯克裡亞賓最鼓舞人心的作品之一[......]它就像是從一塊花崗岩上鑿出來的:既不能漏掉一筆,也不能增加一筆--它的整體是如此嚴謹而合乎邏輯"

作曲家: Alexander Scriabin
校訂者: Michael Schneidt
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Skrjabin's Tenth Sonata was composed at the same time as the two Sonatas Nos. 8 and 9 in winter 1912/13. It was probably finished at the latest in June 1913. According to Leonid Sabenejev's reminiscences Skrjabin had already performed parts of the sonata to friends in spring 1913, saying that “he had succeeded in simplifying the harmonies without destroying the Sonata's psychological complexity.” Following the first performance in Moscow, a reviewer wrote: “The Tenth Sonata must be counted amongst Skrjabin's most inspiring works [...] It is as if it were hewn out of a piece of granite: one can neither leave out a stroke nor add one – it is so strict and logical in its entirety.”

頁數: 32
重量(g): 147.42
UPC: 884088648336
