
Piano Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op. 6 斯克里亞賓 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

1891 年,在音樂學院期末考試的前一年,亞歷山大-斯克裡亞賓因過度練習導致右手受傷。這嚴重危及了他的鋼琴家生涯,年輕的音樂家陷入了危機。但斯克裡亞賓還是在 1892 年完成了鋼琴學業,並獲得了金獎。然而,他首次發表的鋼琴奏鳴曲作品 6 卻與這段危機時期有著不可分割的聯繫。這首黑暗的作品在第三樂章結尾處達到高潮,錘擊般的和絃與最後樂章--陰鬱的葬禮進行曲--完美的懺悔音樂融為一體。我們現在出版的是這部重要作品的Urtext版本,由斯克裡亞賓專家瓦倫蒂娜-魯布科娃(Valentina Rubcova)編輯和介紹"

作曲家: Alexander Scriabin
校訂者: Michael Schneidt
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In 1891, the year before his final exam at the music conservatory, Alexander Scriabin injured his right hand due to his ambitious practising. This seriously jeopardized his career as a pianist and the young musician plunged into a crisis. Yet Scriabin still managed to complete his piano studies in 1892, gaining a gold medal. His first published Piano Sonata op. 6 is, however, irrevocably linked to this time of crisis. The dark work reaches its climax at the end of the 3rd movement with hammering chords that are joined to the final movement, a sombre funeral march – great, confessional music. We are now publishing an Urtext edition of this key work, edited and presented by the Scriabin expert Valentina Rubcova.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 158.76
UPC: 884088959623
