
Piano Sonata in C Major Op. 24 Piano Solo 韋伯卡爾 奏鳴曲 鋼琴 亨乐版

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卡爾-瑪麗亞-馮-韋伯(Carl Maria von Weber)的四首鋼琴奏鳴曲均創作於 1812-1822 年,被認為是他並不豐富的鋼琴作品的支柱。韋伯是那個時代最著名的鋼琴家之一,經常在音樂會上即興演奏,在這些奏鳴曲中,他充分滿足了當時聽眾的期望。高超的演奏技巧與動聽的旋律完美結合。技術要求極高的 1812 年 C 大調奏鳴曲作品 24 在四個樂章中彙集了四種不同的情緒。小步舞曲的 E 大調三重奏是其中的瑰寶,似乎預示著孟德爾松《仲夏夜之夢》的詩意。除了初版外,本Urtext 版本還參考了韋伯的親筆簽名。編者 Wiltrud Haug-Freienstein 在為這本合訂本撰寫的序言中,討論了有關資料來源、音樂文本的個人解讀以及韋伯作曲風格等有趣的細節"

作曲家: Carl Maria von Weber
校訂者: Wiltrud Haug-Freienstein
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Weber: Sonata C major op. 24

Carl Maria von Weber's four piano sonatas, all composed in the decade 1812-1822, are considered the pillars of his not very extensive piano oeuvre. In these sonatas, Weber, who was one of the most renowned pianists of his era and often also improvised in his concerts, fully satisfied the expectations of the audiences of his time. Brilliant playing technique combines here with catchy melodies. The technically very demanding Sonata op. 24 in C Major from 1812 brings together four different moods in its four movements. A gem is the E Major Trio of the Minuet, which seems to anticipate the poetry of Mendelssohn's “Midsummer Night's Dream”. Besides the first edition, Weber's autograph has been consulted for this Urtext edition. In her preface to this Urtext, editor Wiltrud Haug-Freienstein discusses interesting details concerning the sources, individual readings of the musical text and Weber's compositional style.
頁數: 56
重量(g): 232.47
UPC: 884088176532