
Mallorca, Op. 202 Piano 阿爾貝尼士 馬約卡島 鋼琴 亨乐版

$520TWD - $520TWD
$520TWD - $520TWD

與他著名的《阿斯圖裡亞斯》一樣,阿爾貝尼斯為吉他轉錄的《馬略卡島》比鋼琴原版更受歡迎。他可能是在 1890 年 5 月第二次前往馬略卡島時創作了這首溫柔夢幻的 "巴卡洛爾"。在創作過程中,他始終堅持用音樂描繪故土風情的嗜好。恩裡克-格拉納多斯(Enrique Granados)是阿爾貝尼斯欽佩的朋友和贊助人,據說當作曲家臨終時,他坐在鋼琴前,用一首 "馬婁卡 "打動了作曲家。今天,鋼琴家們可以在這一版本中彈奏這部精緻的作品,該版本雕刻精美,還展現了亨勒忠實于音樂文本的一貫風格"

作曲家: Isaac Albéniz
校訂者: Johannes Behr
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
As with his famous “Asturias,” Albéniz' transcription of “Mallorca” for guitar became a great deal more popular than the original version for piano. He probably composed this tender, dreamy “barcarolle” during his second trip to Mallorca in May 1890. In so doing, he remained faithful to his penchant for portraying regions of his native land in music. Enrique Granados, who admired Albéniz as a friend and patron, is said to have sat down at the piano when the composer was on his deathbed and greatly moved him with a rendering of “Mallorca.” Today's pianists can play this sophisticated work in an edition with superb engraving which also displays Henle's customary faithfulness to the musical text.

頁數: 14
重量(g): 85.05
UPC: 884088260910
